Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources
Their intercultural competences
and cultural identities at work
**Contact us to order a physical copy**

Third Culture Kids
as Unique Sources
Their intercultural competences
and cultural identities at work
Monika F. de Waal
The second print of the book is available NOW with a re-written chapter on Cultural Fusion Identity.
*E-book version
will be available soon

Publications over the years, click link.
"Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work" will be available soon as a E-book​
or contact us to order a physical copy.
Third Culture Kinds as Unique Sources
Thier intercultural competences
and cultural identities at work

Third Culture Kids book
Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

Where I'm from? Third Culture Kids about their Cultural Identity Shifts and Belonging
Chapter 4 of 'Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

Growing up among cultures: Intercultural competences, personality, and leadership styles of Third Culture Kids
Chapter 2 of 'Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

Cultural Fusion Identity
IN REVISION Chapter 5 of 'Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

TCKs, their diversity beliefs and their intercultural competences
Chapter 3 of 'Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

Discussion Third Culture Kids book
Third Culture Kids as Unique Sources, their intercultural competences and cultural identities at work', dissertation Monika de Waal, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sept. 2021

With (Adult) Third Culture Kids and (Adult) Cross Cultural Kids as the main focus group for the book, you will read more about what you can learn about cross cultural people by using two lenses: ‘What are you capable of [doing] and who are you [being]?’ (Ryff & Singer, 2013).
Philosophers argue that doing and being are intertwined, by means of phrases such as “We are what we repeatedly do” (Aristotle, rephrased by Durant, 1926, p. 87) or that both are connected, by a question such as “Does your identity define your actions?” (cf. Akerlof & Kranton, 2010). When @Byron Adams, at the public defense in September 2021, asked Monika de Waal the question of how she could separate these two inseparable parts that make up a human being.
At that time, she struggled to find the answer. After much thought, she can now answer: Take the lens of Doing to identify your intercultural competences (like intercultural sensitivity), and behavior (as in transformational leadership), especially at the workplace.
And then take the lens of Being to explore your own cultural identity and your origins more deeply. The illustration shows how these two lenses together form the base of the studies described in the book.
We at Unique Sources are about people, looking closely at what they do, think, believe, where they come from, how life has shaped their cultural identities, and how this all shows in their DOING and BEING.