Illustrations of Growth

This is a selection of illustrations of growth that Unique Sources was key in making happen

Building Future Impact
The newly appointed site manager of a French chemical factory expressed the need for leadership team development with his leadership team. Having become part of an American multi-national company after a merger in a demanding working environment while still going through the transition, Unique Sources improved their team effectiveness using Tuckman's team phases.

Re-boot with Management Drives
Oxfam NOVIB Somalia team needed RE-booting and more coherence. Unique Sources was asked to facilitate the team building process and a strategic RE-think. Unique Sources also worked with the teams to make the group profiles clearer on what each one could contribute.

Facilitation of Integration Process
As a result of merging into one organization three governmental facilities for youth care were stuck on parts of their integration process. Unique Sources acted as an external process facilitator to align different perspectives and help create bandwidth to come up with possible approaches for the working group.

Coaching on Strategic Change
In a company of engineers that works in a highly competitive global environment, the manager expressed the need for a plan for strategic change. To be able to envision and translate this into practical steps towards that future, Unique Sources worked with the team on making 5 Ps tangible: Planet, People, Profit, Partners and Product.