Your Cultural Fusion Identity
All individuals have their own cultural identities when they originate from different cultural, religious, economic backgrounds. They have their own forms of spirituality, with a scope of physical competences and different sexual orientations. We at Unique Sources recognize these as cultural fusion identities. We support you in finding the strengths within yourself, and using it to grow and develop further.
The world is my home… or is it? Is it where I’m from? Who am I? How can I deal with all these differences, in myself, and within my team?
Many organizations went through a process of globalization in the past decades; which led to an increased multicultural workforce.
Cultural identity, intercultural encounters, understanding diversity, working on inclusion, awareness of implicit or unconscious biases have become key topics. In our work (as leaders, consultants, trainers, coaches and facilitators) we recognize, as Unique Sources, that these topics are sensitive, and contain potential conflict.
Based on the PhD research on Third Culture Kids and their intercultural competences & cultural identity at work, Dr. Monika de Waal & Nathan Kaye have developed a tool to provide insights to people and organizations about Cultural Fusion Identity. Cultural fusion is an alternative term for acculturation and happens as a result of intercultural encounters and experiences.
Cultural identity is seen as ‘‘that part of an individual’s self-concept which derives from [one’s*] knowledge of membership in a social group (or groups) together with the value and emotional significance attached to that membership’’ (Tajfel, 1978, p. 63). (*replaced ‘his’ - dr. de Waal).